Tim's Adventures and Comic Adventures!

Hey yaaa mates!

You right? It's always a pleasure to share my resources and discoveries with you. In this entry, I will speak about Comics as Educational Resources in the classrooms. 

In my opinion, Comics are useful in the classroom due to three main reasons. The first one, is "Engagement", students can create characters for their own comics and readers follow a story so we can see a real reading engagement. The second reason is "Efficiency" , because it gives a lot of information in a short story and in a short period of time. Last but not least, "Effectiveness" is also important because with Comics students not only learn the material faster, they are also learning contents and values better.

I used  Storyboard That for my first creation. I chose this tool because is easy to use and suitable for the students to work in our classroom' projects and they can share and personalize their presentations with the whole class. Of course, I made sure that Storyboard That is a safe page to design projects with underage students.You can create an interesting story using and ample amount of themes and templates and dialogue boxes and there are many characters and you can modify characters'  physical appearance and dress up them by using different outfits. For example: My new comic is called "Tim's Adventures" and the main character is Tim an 11 years old boy. His adventures start the first day of the academic year in a new school and he should deal with many "pre-teen problems".The first chapter is called "Building my self- confidence" because Tim has to build his self-confidence and his self-steem and with his teacher's support he will work on it. This comic was created in order to show students' feelings and give them advices and motivate them. Always motivate them!  

Certainly, I will use this comic with my students in the Values Subject but this resource can be used also in other CLIL subjects such as Natural Science or Social Science. For example: In Natural Science we can create a comic related to "Fair Test in the Science Lab" or in Social Science we can design a comic related to "The New 7 Wonders of the World" and every scene of the comic can be placed in one of The New 7 Wonders. But guys, these are just a few ideas!!! Take a look to my first creation and don't be shy when using your imagination πŸ˜„πŸ˜

Tim's Adventures: Chapter 1. Building my self-confidence. 

You can take a look to the list and choose your favourite tool to write your own story. I'm sure that you have so many good ideas to share with.
Have an awesome weekend and see you in a bit!
Lots of loveee,
Silvana πŸ™ŒπŸ˜Ž


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