Channel 4 Project - Part 2!

Hello guys,

I know in one of my latest posts, I told you a secret regarding to the final outcome of the Chroma ProjectπŸ˜‰ but before watching "Channel 4: The News" lets talk a little bit about the video production process.

Last thrusday, we were really happy because all of the students of the Master in Bilingualism visited the "Future Classroom Lab" and it was a great and enriching experience for us. We were in the Future Classroom Lab! Can you believe it? 😎

We were able to develop our Chroma Project there and even if we had to record some scenes twice or three times (now we are proficiency reporters) we did a great job. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the editor in this awesome team, my dear friend Soraya.  She had the patience to edit and tune the video. So, Soraya you are a star!

She cut the video and she used the tool iMovie to mix the clips with the music and the backgrounds. The backgrounds came from Pixabay  (we always respect the authorship, don't forget this guys) and she added some awesome sounds from GarageBand.

As I told you before, our Channel 4 Project is intended for Sixth Graders and one of our objectives is  to "Flip the Classroom". Students are going to watch our TV Programme and then they will have to do some activities related to every new.

In general terms, we got on well and everyone did a fantastic job. Every member of the team had a role: Lorena and Jenny were script writers, Dani was the recorder , Soraya was the editor and myself was the community manager and one of the reporters in the video. So, I also spread news, pics and the outtakes on Twitter using my favourite hashtags "#ictclil_urjc" "#channel4". (Yeah teachers are kind of superheroes, we can do many tasks )πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜†

Regarding to my experience, I can say that I had a great time working with my team. Even if the Chroma Project was the most challenging task , I think I overcame my shyness while we were recording. At the beginning, I was nervous that I could barely speak but as the time went by I felt more comfortable when I was in front of the camera. From my point of view, the coolest part was spreading the news on Twitter and taking pictures of my colleagues. This Project is  a wonderful idea to be carried on  in our classrooms because we can Flip the Classroom in every subject of the Curriculum and as teachers, we  have to forget the traditional lecture method. We must innovate!

Without further ado, here is the final outcome. Make some popcorn and enjoy!

To finish this post,  I hope you use Chroma to innovate in the Classroom! πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›
See you soon guys and please stay tuned!
Silvana 😎😘😘


  1. It has been a pleasure to work with you πŸ’‍♀️#blondeteam

  2. Forever blonde... I wanna be forever blonde�� ��������‍♀️��������


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