Channel 4 Project!

Hey there!

Today I want to talk about how to use videos with Educational Purposes.
There are many benefits of "Using Videos in Education "as shown in several decades of research:
  • Facilitating Thinking and problem-solving.
  • Assisting with mastery learning.
  • Inspiring and engaging students.
  • Learning resources for the future.
  • Enhanced learning experience.
  • Enhanced team working and communication skills.
  • Deeper learning of the topics.
What does it mean "To Flip the Class"?

The Flipped Classroom is a blended learning strategy with the aim to improve students' engagement and outcomes. It's key purpose is to provide a greater focus on students' application of conceptual knowledge rather than straight transfer of information.

So, my fabulous team and I decided to start a new project based on "The Flipped Classroom Strategy" and we though about an attractive topic: "The News". In our project every member has a role: there is a presenter and four reporters who work for our fictional "Channel 4".

After choosing an engaging title, we started the Storyboard of our Video Project. We had to decided the content, the objectives of this project, the tools that we are going to use, the rubrics, the skills that we want for the development of our students, the timing, the type of assessment and finally we had to write a proper script.

The script was the most challenging part, but finally every member of the team wrote a "fantastic new" related to his/her favourite subject and after every new, there are some activities for the students. I can say that we overcame any difficulty and it was a real pleasure to work with these wonderful teachers. You can take a look to our Storyboard here:

Last but not least, dear friends if you want to start a video project similar to "Channel 4" do not forget to make sure about the student's safety because we are working with underage students and  between you and me and the gatepost, the final outcome is a masterpiece but you will have to wait until the next post!

Have a good one ;)

Silvana πŸ™‹πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š


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