This is not a "Goodbye"! It's just a "See you soon!"
Hello guys! I can say that I'm finishing my Master in Bilingual Education (I still have tasks and exams but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. LOL). Definitely, I'm not sad but to be honest I have mixed feelings because our ICT adventure #ictclil_urjc is about to finish and I don't want to! I started to create "My Final Artifact" with but soon I realized that I couldn't add music or voice records. So, I had to start again. My final choice was Powtoon because it gave me the possibility to create a video by using images of "Miss Smurfette" and adding pieces of my favourite songs in every slide. I also added comments expressing my feelings regarding to every tool that we worked with during this adventure (nice and funny comments mates!). Honestly, I spent one day creating my artifact with Powtoon but I cannot regret anything, I really love the final outcome!. Powtoon has an ample amount of backgrounds, ...