How to use pics in a CLIL Lesson!
Hi guys!
Today let's talk about how to take advantage of banks of common pictures in our CLIL' Lessons.
I chose three pictures to develop a topic related to "Puppets"😃😃😃. For example: In Literacy, we can practice the grammar structure "Have you ever..." " Have you ever played with puppets?" "Have you ever seen a play perfomance?" "Have you ever created your own puppet?". So, I found some funny pictures in a bank of common pictures in order to design my own flashcards to rehearse the vocabulary of this unit. Also, I thought that it would be nice to link the Puppets' Topic with other subjects such Arts developing a small performance with a little help of the Music Teacher. We can prepare some funny dialogues and songs in which the whole group of students can sounds like a plan, isn't it?
Pictures from
Picture by Gellinger . CC0 Creative Commons
Picture by Epicioci. CC0 Creative Commons
There are different web pages in which we can find more than 200000 pictures that are useful for our teaching and learning purposes. We can use these images and adapt them for our lesson plan. But always bear in mind the kind of license they have. We should keep in mind that not all the pictures that we find in the net allow us to adapt them. In other words, be careful and do not take anything for granted. As teachers it's a really nice idea to show our creations and share different ideas. The key idea is to collaborate with each other but being respectful with other's works.( It is recommended to specify the copyright of the picture and attach its link. Otherwise, it can be considered plagiarism).
Here you can see a list with 5 useful web in which you can share or download pictures:
- Open Photo :
- Public Domain Archive:
- Picol:
- Pixabay:
- Little Visuals:
To finish, can you tell me a new topic in which we can use pictures and relate them to other subjects?
I'll catch you later folks!
Silvana 😊🙋
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