CLIL Lesson!

Exploration and creation are good, aren't they? Today, I want to talk about a site that I've discovered just one week ago, its name is Genially. I discovered Genially when I was thinking to make a presentation for my Second Grade students'. I wanted to keep their attention and innovate a little bit more in the Science Classroom .So, I decided to find and use new tools in order to make a different presentation instead of using the common presentations made by using Power Point.

The topic that I developed it is mainly focused on "Vertebrates". I created an account in just a few minutes and  I was there exploring Genially. I realised that  is an easy-to-use and free web tool used to create interactive visual content and this content can be used to enhance websites/blogs or as communication tool ( i.e. to make presentations, reports, posters, guides,etc.). It also gave the ability to integrate many different types of third-party content such as social media  and audios. Another benefit is that any project can be easily shared through social networks and as I told you in my previous posts I truly believe that as teachers it's really nice to share our ideas and creations.

There are lots of templates in Genially and you can choose one according to your topic. I chose one which was related to the Jungle and Nature. I also added an audio and some effects in every slide for keeping my students' and readers' attention. 

Then, there is a brief introduction to the main topic and there are different activities related to it.  I created a few activities to work with them in the first lesson of the Unit. I highlighted the Key Words in accordance to work oral repetition and the second activity is focused on "Brainstorming" in which I can assess their previous knowledge. Last but not least, the third activity is focused on writing about their favourite animal and drawing it. 

These Science Activities can be also linked to other CLIL subjects such as Arts and Crafts. For example: we can design displays or posters related to the topic or maybe the topic "Vertebrates" can be used in the P.E sessions and the teacher can think about funny role games in which every student can represent a different wild animal. There are lots of activities that can be useful in the classroom. It depends on how teachers want to develop the topics. Trust me! I've just created a visual content using Genially and I became a fan of this website! Please, look at the results and try it!

Dear all, here there is a short list with different tools that you can use to create your own slideshows and presentations, feel free to try them and choose your fav one!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
  2. Google Slides:
  3. Prezi:
  4. Powtoon:
  5. Biteslide:

I hope you have liked this post and I wish you an awesome week and bear in mind that I'll come back soon with new, fresh and brilliant ideas for our CLIL classrooms! Check ya' later!!

Silvana πŸ™‹πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š


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