My cool Clil Bank of Useful Resources

Today let's talk about Content Curation. So,what is Content Curation?

Content Curation is the act of discovering and presenting digital content related to a specific subject matter. In other words, it's an awesome resource for teachers and students because it's a time-saver. Through Content Curation we can find and share just the valuable content with our colleagues and with our students.

So...How teachers can use Content Curation Tools in their CLIL Lessons?

I opened "My cool CLIL Bank of Useful Resources" using Pinterest which I would like to share with you . This is a Bank of Common Knowledge. I decided to create some different boards which in my opinion are really helpful for our CLIL classrooms. The "pinboards" that I created are: Science Projects, Literacy, Music, Photography for kids, Literature, Social Science and P.E. All the boards have some interest activities, posters, vocabulary, displays and projects that can be useful in order to be developed in a CLIL session "hands-on". Also having organized boards is time-saving and teachers know how precious is to save time if we want to make the most of our sessions at the school :) 

My choice was Pinterest because it inspires me when I want to get fresh ideas and it helps me to be more creative when I want to decorate my classroom and it also allows me to share the projects that I develop with my students in my own pinboard. Trust me guys, these banks of common knowledge are one of the most advantages of The Digital Era. As teacher we must stay tuned and if Pinterest is not your cup of tea take a look to the list with other useful sites to share educational ideas. ;)

Here you can appreciate a few sites which are truly useful if you want to start creating your own Bank of Clil Resources. Don't be shy! Take the risk :)
I do really hope you enjoyed reading this post and I will be glad to read your suggestions. Suggestions are always welcome buddies!😊😊😊
Lots of love,


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